Helpful Resources

Working in Australia

Hopefully after reviewing this section you will know all you need to know to work in Australia while you are an international student, and after you graduate.

Working in Australia is very easy to do while you are a student – after graduation, it’s more difficult. Remember, as an international student, you should never expect to live on the money you make while studying, but the extra income can certainly help you meet your budget.

Student Visa Rules

Learn the rules governing how much you can work while studying in Australia. As a general rule, students can work for up to 20 hours per week while school is in session, and full time during school breaks.

Work Permission and Other Practicalities

Find out about receiving permission to work, obtaining a tax file number, opening a bank account, etc. – all the practicalities you need to start earning that paycheck!

Getting a Job

Get practical advice on landing a job in Australia, including the kinds of jobs you can expect to get, potential wages, where to look for jobs, etc.

After Graduation

After graduation, many international students want to stay in Australia and work – this section has helpful information as international graduates try to extend their stay in Australia.



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