Helpful Resources

Why choose University of the Sunshine Coast ATMC?

Here are some good reasons…

Five-star education:

USC has been awarded five stars for Teaching Quality, Overall experience, Students support, Lecture resources and Skills development

Five-star student satisfaction:

USC students have the highest satisfaction with the overall quality of their educational experience of any public university in Australia

Flexible degree options:

USC students can plan study pathways to meet their individual goals or gain credit from previous studies

Great study locations:

USC has a number of great study locations: our main campus and study hubs on the Sunshine Coast and other campuses in South Bank (Brisbane), Gympie and Hervey Bay.

Free English language support:

USC offers English for Academic Study (EAS) support if English is not your first language

Academic skills assistance:

USC provides ongoing access to individual consultations, workshops, and online self-help resources

Australian lifestyle:

USC is a great place to meet Australian students and experience the Australian way of life

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