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Why become a Professional Accountant?

A professional accounting qualification will differentiate you from just being another accounting grad. Your credentials speak on your behalf. Employers will see someone who is determined, has ambition, and the self-discipline to achieve higher goals.

Professional accountants will need to balance a full complement of abilities, not just technical skills and a strong ethical compass, but a flexible mix of seven key qualities to ensure business and personal success, according to ACCA’s latest global research titled, “Professional Accountants – The Future.”

Technical and ethical (TEQ)

The skills and abilities to perform activities to a defined standard, while maintaining the highest standards of integrity, independence and scepticism.

Intelligence (IQ)

The ability to acquire and use knowledge: thinking, reasoning, solving problems and the ability to understand and analyze situations that are complex and ambiguous.

Creative (CQ)

The ability to use existing knowledge in a new situation, to make connections, explore potential outcomes and generate new ideas.

Digital (DQ)

The awareness and application of existing and emerging digital technologies, capabilities, practices, strategies and culture.

Emotional intelligence (EQ)

The ability to identify your own emotions and those of others, harness and apply them to tasks, and regulate and manage them.

Vision (VQ)

The ability to anticipate future trends accurately by extrapolating existing trends and facts,and filling the gaps by thinking innovatively.

Experience (XQ)

The ability and skills to understand customer expectations, to meet desired outcomes and to create value.
The ATMC in association with FedUni, CDU and USC offer an exciting collection of bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees, graduate diplomas, master’s degrees in business and Accounting. The college has campuses in Melbourne and Sydney, offering a range of innovative courses designed to prepare students for the global workforce. ATMC CRICOS CODE: 03013D.

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