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Top Public Speaking Tips

Few essential public speaking tips to help you get past the public speaking learning curve.

Know your audience

Know who you’re talking to. There are no public speaking presentations or techniques that will work with all audiences. Making a funny, humor-filled presentation might be perfect for a classroom of students, but maybe not so much for a business pitch.

Rehearse (But remain loose)

You’ve probably planned out your presentation – and that’s great! Make sure to rehearse the steps and follow a logical order.

Distract yourself

In order to get more comfortable, try practising your presentation in different scenarios. Play loud music, try to talk over youtube videos. Test and challenge yourself on how well you can stay focused. This will help you memorise your content better!

Get comfortable

Make sure you know where you’re presenting. Prepare accordingly, but make sure you aren’t putting too much pressure on yourself by amping it up. It’s going to be fine. Just know your space, and know what you’re there to say.

Use the right words

Choosing the appropriate language for your presentation and audience is key. It might seem like a good idea to include huge, smart sounding words, but more often than not it can alienate your audience.

Read it slow

I’ve found that people with little experience in public speaking don’t allow themselves the time and space to breath and deliver their lines slowly.

Read it fast!

On the flipside, read your content fast! Try to see how fast you can successfully deliver all your content, as if you’re giving your presentation to the most impatient people on the planet.

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