Top IT security tips to keep hackers out of your website
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Top IT security tips to keep hackers out of your website

If you think that your website might not be as secure as it should be, here are key tips that most individuals can implement on their own in order to keep their site safe.

Make sure you update

Many of us receive regular notifications to update all sorts of software on a daily basis. The bombardment of these notifications is enough to make us put it on the “to do list” or to ignore the message altogether. However, this is a key way that hackers see vulnerability in your security and attack.

Keep passwords safe and secure

This may seem like an obvious one, but the amount of passwords that we need for social media, website admins and bank accounts can lead many to become slack when managing and setting up passwords.

Audit your website security

This one may be a little bit more difficult to do on your own if you really aren’t tech savvy. However, it doesn’t cost much to have an IT freelancer do an audit of your website’s security every 6 – 12 months. This small cost can prevent a lot of damage that may occur in the future.

Some of the things you can get a freelancer to do include;
  • Remove any spam on your website, including any corrupt files.
  • Review any errors you might have and their impact on your security
  • Get notifications set up so you are notified of security hackings, such as someone attempting to login to your admin.

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