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Study Bachelor Programs in Information Technology in Australia 2018 Nov Intake in ATMC

Information Technology is a rapidly growing industry with an increasing number of career opportunities for graduates from Bachelor of IT programs. Courses in IT Bachelor programs in Australia can range from highly technical courses in software engineering and programming languages, to more user-end topics like e-commerce, web development and database management systems.

Combinations between Bachelor of IT and Bachelor of Business degrees are common at Australian universities, integrating Information Systems with professional management skills or accounting.

Australian technical & Management College (ATMC) in Melbourne, and Sydney offer three years course- Bachelor’s degrees in IT on full time schedules. IT Bachelor programs in Australia often encourage or require practical internship experience and a bachelor thesis project, allowing students to prove they have acquired the essential knowledge and skills they will need in the workplace.

This experience is also looked upon favorably by businesses in Australia during recruitment. Some graduates from Bachelor’s degree programs in IT go on to work for private companies, while others may work in the public sector and still others work for themselves as free-lancers. Further study is also an option, with Master of Science programs in IT and related fields, or even doctoral programs available.



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