Interview tips for jobs in Australia
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Interview tips for jobs in Australia

Popular websites in Australia include:

These websites can also give you an idea of what salary is paid and how this can vary by experience and job type.

Alternatively, you can read the national and local newspapers. Some well-known papers in Australia are the “Sydney Morning Herald”, “Financial Review“, and the “Telegraph”.

Getting a job in Australia

Typically you would apply for a job following an advertisement for a position by providing the employer a covering letter and a resume.

5 Interview Tips!
  • Do your research – Find out about the company, what they do, if they have had any recent product launches, what their last year’s profit was etc.
  • Practice your Answers -There are some common questions that will definitely pop up, such as why you are the right person for the job, and what are your strengths and weaknesses, so its good to have answers to these questions prepared in advance.
  • Look the part, dress for success – make the best impression you can. First appearances really do count.
  • Stay calm and breathe – Good preparation is the key to staying calm. Practice, practice, practice!
  • Ask questions – You should always have some questions prepared to show that you are genuinely interested in the position.


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