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How to stay motivated this semester

Think of the bigger picture

The easiest way to stay motivated is to think about the future and why you decided to apply for your course in the first place. Think of how your degree will help you in your quest for your dream job and consider the valuable skills you’ve gained so far.

Aim for a healthy balance

As the semester continues and assessment starts to build up, it’s important to still allow yourself some time to relax and have fun. Social occasions or events can be great for motivation.

Take things one step at a time

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the semester ahead, so try to narrow your focus on what you can actually work on and prioritize your assessment by due dates and the required workload.

Consider the positives

Like in high school, the thought of heading back to study after the long summer break fills a lot of students with dread, but there are always some positives that come with being back at uni.

Surround yourself with people who will motivate you

A group of like-minded study mates can help keep you motivated throughout the semester, especially when you can combine study with socializing.

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