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Graduates from Australia are highly sought after by both Australian and international employers!!

  • Australian university degrees are recognized as world leaders in subjects such as business, economics, sciences, medicine, geology, physical geography, social work, and sports science. Regional universities, too, offer unique opportunities.
  • This is due to the impressive international reputation of the Australian education system, which is highly regulated by their government to keep up with the high standards of education in the country.
  • Degrees are much more flexible than in the UK where students decide on a major and stick to it.
  • Universities in Australia and New Zealand are much more like the US where a wide range of options is studied in the first year before narrowing down your choices later on.
  • Science degrees allow students to explore the other scientific branches as part of an interdisciplinary approach.
  • The Australian university application process is open and inclusive.

The ATMC (ATMC CRICOS CODE: 03013D) in association with FedUni, CDU and USC offer an exciting collection of University master’s degrees in information technology and Information Systems and bachelor and master’s degrees in business and Accounting.

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