The biggest decision around university study is choosing a degree. Your choice determines which career paths are available when you graduate.
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General vs Professional Degrees

The biggest decision around university study is choosing a degree. Your choice determines which career paths are available when you graduate.

Our subject pages discuss careers associated with a given degree. Here is a guide on professional versus general degrees.


General degrees include arts, business, computing and science. After completing a general degree, you enter a competitive job market and your fortunes depend heavily on talent and effort. Doing a general degree can be enjoyable. But you risk graduating with a low-value degree, especially if you avoid technical subjects.


Professional degrees qualify you for jobs which are unavailable to others. These include nursing, engineering, classroom teaching and legal practice. Most have good job prospects and security (law is an exception). The study commitment is bigger though. You are specialising and some of the courses are 4+ years.

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