Helpful Resources

Effective Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before an Exam

Nutritional and Herbal Supplements Can Help Calm Nerves

Good health, low stress and calmed nerves are often closely related. Nutrition is a key factor in keeping good health and managing stress and anxiety.

Diet Matters

Recent studies show that anxiety and frazzled nerves partly stem from poor diet. Test success depends upon keen and focused powers of concentration and memory.

Make Sure to Study!

If you’re well prepared for an exam and have given the material the needed time and attention to master it, chances are you’ll be feeling a lot less nervous.

Practice Calmness

Like a lot of things in life, some people seem to achieve calmness easier than others with little effort. If you’re one of those people who doesn’t naturally just flow with life, you’ll need to practice settling your nerves before going in to take the big exam.

Get Enough Sleep

This is another obvious one, right? Everyone knows that sleep is not just a requirement for academic success but is necessary for good health.

Take a Bath with Epsom Salt

A warm bath of itself lightens life’s daily burdens. And when Epsom salt is added to the mix emotions are buoyed up and anxiety melts away. For pre-exam anxiety, an Epsom salt bath might just the remedy.

Do Aromatherapy

many recent studies have shown a strong connection between aromatherapy and lower stress and anxiety levels. Aromatherapy can be used through a number of applications such as inhalation, topical and even oral.

Practice Deep Breathing

Breathing is good for one’s health! Not a shocker here! All too often, however, stress creates anxiety and nervousness, which affect our breathing patterns. Exam nerves can also have this effect. It is important to be aware of breathing when managing stressful situations.

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