5 Questions to Ask Before Doing a Business Degree
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5 Questions to Ask Before Doing a Business Degree

Here are five important questions you should ask yourself before launching into a business degree.

Why do I want to do a business degree?

This is an important question to think about – not just as a way of answering your friends, family and university application papers, but more importantly as a means to carefully consider your own goals, passions and pursuits before starting your degree.

Which major should I focus on?

So, you’ve decided that yes – your heart’s in this. You have a goal to reach. The next question you might ask is – specifically, to reach that goal, what kind of business degree do you want to do?

Are there any industry placements or work experience opportunities?
  • It’s important to find degrees which foster, encourage and offer work experience opportunities you can use to learn and grow, even beyond the classroom.
  • Will this degree connect you to a network of other potential business mentors, collaborators and classmates, career services, professional alumni, corporate connections and work experience opportunities or programs?
Do you want to focus on studying a single degree, or take a combined degree?

Combining your specialist business field with other fields like Arts, Commerce, Financing, International Relations, Laws and Legal Practices (etc!) will see you being trained in two disciplines, broadening your skill-sets and, excitingly, will afford you the opportunity to study a course really tailored to your specific interests.

Source link: http://insiderguides.com.au/5-questions-ask-business-degree/



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