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Why going to university is important for youth?

The importance of a university degree should be asked from a person who cannot afford the expense of a university and is keen to learn.

Students who are open to learning and want to add to their information continue the education at a university so that the can improve themselves and increase their intellectualism. It also helps in personal growth.

The New York Times published an article on the relevancy of job market and an advanced degree. According to the article people who have acquired an advanced degree are more likely to get a job.

Without a university degree all you can manage is a few internships and low paid part time jobs. For a reputable job in a good company it is important to have a strong qualification.

The people who are going to hire you would want to know your worth by seeing your academic qualifications and degrees. Studies show that people who are qualified higher earn more than those who are not.

The degree and level of education of a person is considered as a standard of his personality.

The ATMC (ATMC CRICOS CODE: 03013D) in association with FedUni, CDU and USC offer an exciting collection of University master’s degrees in information technology and Information Systems and bachelor and master degrees in Business and Accounting.

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