Reasons to Pursue University Master’s Degree Besides the Paycheck
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Reasons to Pursue University Master’s Degree Besides the Paycheck

You get to know more about the subject you love..

By the time you reach graduate school, you should at least enjoy the subject you’re studying.

You can finally get a “free” education.

Many graduate programs offer stipends, effectively covering some of, all of, or more than tuition costs.

Yes, this is ostensibly a financial reason to get a graduate degree, but consider it an incentive to do something for more than money.

There will be more job opportunities in a field you like.

While a graduate degree is valuable monetarily speaking, the reason it garners an inflated salary is also the reason for several additional benefits. Generally, a higher salary accompanies a more skill-requiring position (let the angry comments fly in).

There will be more job opportunities in a field you like.

While a graduate degree is valuable monetarily speaking, the reason it garners an inflated salary is also the reason for several additional benefits. Generally, a higher salary accompanies a more skill-requiring position (let the angry comments fly in).

You gain respect.

Narcissist or not, the ability to wave a fancy degree around is appealing.

There are some jobs that require a grad degree.

There are several jobs (doctor and lawyer, for example) that are unattainable, sans grad degree.

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