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How to Make the Most Out of Your University Degree

Research opportunities

It’s important to remember that you’ve got to be in it to win it! Things are not going to magically fall into your lap, and often, if you say yes to one thing, more opportunities have a way of lining themselves up. It isn’t about what you know, but who you know, so forming contacts and getting your face out there is crucial.

Challenge yourself

A lot of self-growth and achievement is built through challenging yourself, and to challenge yourself, you need to be confident! In simple terms, confidence is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

Say yes to everything

Saying yes to as much as possible is a great way to work out your strengths and weaknesses. We often don’t know what to expect from situations, and there is an inbuilt fear of failure, but saying yes gives you the chance to reach your highest potential.

Explore travel options

Instead of putting off your travel dreams until well after your degree is finished, why not combine uni and travel? To really make the most out of your degree, do a bit of research into an exchange program.

The ATMC (ATMC CRICOS CODE: 03013D) in association with FedUni, CDU and USC offer an exciting collection of University master’s degrees in information technology and Information Systems and bachelor and master’s degrees in business and Accounting.

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