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Extra-curricular activities are more important than you think

Are you looking for opportunities to improve your job prospects? It might be time to think about participating in the extra-curricular activities offered up by your university or education provider.

Extra-curricular activities provide a great opportunity to not only make new connections or grow your personal network, but also to help you develop the essential skills that make you a perfect match for the Australian job market.

Becoming involved in extra-curricular activities improves your teamwork, communication and social skills, and also your ability to identify problems and map-out solutions. Creative and critical thinking skills are also enhanced, as are your networking, entrepreneurship, leadership qualities and cultural competence. 

Studies have illustrated that students who participate in co-curricular activities show marked improvements in their grades. This can be attributed to skills they learn, such as better time management in accommodating their hobbies and class activities, better organisational skills and a boost to their self-esteem.

The art of managing multiple activities or tasks at once helps with managing time commitments at work. Employees are often put under extreme pressure as they go about their daily working lives, leading to possible mismanagement or an inability to complete tasks assigned to them. Indulging in extra-curricular activities helps develop the skill of managing multiple things at the same time. 

People involved in some extra-curricular activities develop a sense of commitment towards every task they pick up.



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