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Education costs in Australia

  • The costs of studying in Australia depend on the institution and the level of study you choose.
  • As an international student, your tuition fees are payable before you study. You can use the Course Search on this website to find courses and see details such as their tuition fees. There may be additional costs for your course, including course materials and access to institutional facilities.

The list below gives you an indication of the range of course costs for different types of qualifications.

  • School – $7,800 to $30,000
  • English language studies – Around $300 per week depending on course length
  • Vocational Education and Training (Certificates I to IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma) – $4,000 to $22,000
  • Undergraduate Bachelor Degree – $15,000 to $33,000*
  • Postgraduate Masters Degree – $20,000 to $37,000*
  • Doctoral Degree – $14,000 to $37,000*

* Note: This does not include high-value courses such as veterinary and medical. Please visit institution websites directly to see costs for these courses.

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